Making Scented Candles - Top Secret Tips From the Pros

Making scented candles at Home

Making scented candles is becoming more and more popular each year. Whether it's for personal enjoyment or as a business venture, making scented candles can be fun and rewarding. With the down turn in the economy over the last couple of years, many people have been forced to stop and evaluate what is really important. Because of this more people are looking for inexpensive ways to spend time with the family, particularly around holiday time when they can make gifts for less money than they would spend buying them. Many more are looking for a way to make a residual income or to get out of the corporate world altogether. Making aromatic candles is perfect for all of these people.

Making scented candles is relatively simple in theory. It's really a formula, much like baking, wax+ fragrance+ candle. But if this was all there was to it, everyone would do it. There is a certain degree of instinct and finesse involved in making scented candles of the highest quality. Here we'll share a few tips on how to make the best quality candles possible.

First, you need to select your products carefully. What does this mean? Well you should get the best possible quality of wax, wicks, fragrance, color, molds and so on. The reason is simple. The better the ingredients, the better the finished candle will be. When you are working within a certain budget, and this is especially important for those who are making scented candles as a business, that you buy the highest quality ingredients, even if that means that you get a smaller quantity. If you were to go with the larger quantity of lower quality, your customers would notice and wouldn't likely return. However, if you can demonstrate the quality of your product, you will keep your customers returning and they will also refer new customers to you. This will allow you to buy larger quantities over time.

Second, when you are purchasing your supplies, be mindful of how much you will use in a short period of time. While it is often cheaper to buy large quantities at a wholesale rate, it isn't worth it if the supplies deteriorate before you can use them. In that case, it's just a whole lot of cash in the trash when you have to throw them away. Things like wicks, fragrance and color do have a shelf life so you should only purchase what you can use in a short period of time.

So what if you aren't making aromatic candles as a business, but as a hobby? Well the very same tips apply. However, there are a couple more things to be mindful of. First, be aware of the type of candle mold you choose, should you decide to use one. Jar candles are the easiest type of candles to make, but if you decide to make molded candles, be sure to use a mold that is sturdy and completely smooth on the inside. Any rough spots will show up in the candle. Also, always hand wash molds, never stick them in the dishwasher and never put them away wet.